Saturday, 24 August 2013

Day 44 - 46: Barn Hill

The weather is perfect, the water sapphire blue, the rocks burnt orange at sunset and the shrubbery becoming more tropical and lush: welcome to Barn Hill.
I'm sitting outside my camper overlooking the Indian Ocean, with a light sea breeze to keep the warmer temperature at bay. Denis and Bec have gone off for the day fishing, walking along the beach quite a few kms away. Today at least they took some drinks and nibbles!
Paul and Rob have just gone to launch the tinny and try their hands at catching a tuna that keeps teasing them by jumping as it chases bait fish, in the water, just in front of us.
Speaking of tuna a funny incident happened yesterday when Bec was in the water fishing. She was unaware that a school of Garfish was heading toward her when a couple of Tuna jumped out of the water after them, heading straight for Bec. The fright of these big fish hurling themselves toward Bec made Bec also hurl herself - but this time it was backward into the water! Oh for that movie camera (again).
This place is so nice we have decided to stay an extra day. This will also allow us the time to catch the shops and hopefully a polling place in Broome before heading to Cape Levique. (Doug is certainly happy as it means one less time he has to pack up his camper).
Well for now it is time for a stroll down the beach for a swim, so if you will excuse me........

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