Thursday, 17 July 2014

Dr Bob's penultimate blog


Tuesday disappeared quietly as we went about packing up and getting ready for the big trip home today. Last chance to do the washing, check all the bits and pieces on and under the cars and vans. The other issue was that we had a brochure informing us we had to give up all fruit and vegies at the quarrantine check just after Arthur River Roadhouse. Guess who spent an hour or two cooking fish (vegie) burgers to get rid of most the vegies. Ironically when we got to the check point it was closed!!!!
The same issue with alcohol, as we were expecting to be confronted by the police and 'searched', but nothing happened although the purchase of alcohol was restricted.
The crayfish man walked by while we were cooking tea but we resisted the temptation.
Remarkably the drive to Jardine River was a breeze and over very quickly. We got to Coen and camped behind the pub again, after a non stressfull drive - ie. except for Sandra who held on to the 'Jesus bar' with grim determination. 
When Barry drove onto the ferry going north his tow-ball stem became slightly bent, which became even more so today on the way south. I inadvisedly talked about it breaking and we should check all the old wrecks for a new one on the way south. Not a good idea - talking about it I mean, not the looking. Unfortunately there weren't any so it had to hang on all the way to Coen. Barry and I did a quick trip to the tip and removed a near brand-new one from a wreck, which hopefully the local mechanic will be able to angle grind the bent one off tomorrow.
The Dudley trio have given in as they can sense the caravan just around the corner and booked into one of the pub's dongas for  tonight. I have to admit for a group of  'old  grey nomads', they have done a remarkable job crawling in and out of tents.
However, while the remaining campers were having their tea, Lorraine turned up, having visited the toilet in the pub, with an Ansell gift for each of us - and she a good catholic girl!
Tomorrow we head towards Laura where the bitumen starts and we may part company with  'those  that don't camp' as the lure of the van will be too strong for Lorraine. The remaining campers may  stop in a bush camp at Laura and explore some aboriginal art if the track in is ok.
Tomorrow is another day and may well be the last for the blog.
We will wait and see!
Meanwhile Jenny and Paul are camping at this moment in Maldon (free camp with fire and all), but it is only 5C and snow is not far away!

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