Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Communication breakdown

When I worked in the school system on windy days you could usually be assured the kids would by chaotic and a little bit crazy in their behaviour, well so it was with our riders today.
When the 'cook' gets a little "peeved" with the troops you know things are not good.
It all started fine with a brisk northerly wind blowing at our backs, as we headed in a southernly direction for most of the day. The initial climb out of Jamestown split the riders apart and this was to be a major component in things going awry over the day.
Riders went every which way as they tried to ride the wind to their benefit. Some even achieving a staggering pace at 66kms down some hills. Tim even said at one stage he was going up a hill without peddling and still gaining speed, such were the conditions.
With the groups splintered into various components the trail became blurred around Burra as some front  runners went into Burra for a quick look around and cup of coffee, while other back runners missed the turnoff and bypassed Burra altogether. Poor Maureen and Sally had organised one thing then told another only to try and catch the main group by speeding to 110kms. "Not happy Jan"!
After all this confusion and frustration from various quarters we all made it into Morgan by 1:30pm.
Some of the boys then went off to the hotels to drink to their success or drown their sorrows( not sure which, maybe both), while others went for a walk around town, while Robert (Cowboy) had  a very long 'cat-nap' before tea tonight.
All was forgiven and everyone has settled again after the wind died down. No harm done and in the overall was a fun day on the road. Average speed was about 40kms for  most of the time. As Tail-end-Charlie we even made it into 4 gear!
Our last day in SA tomorrow as once again we head east along the mighty Murray River. Stay tuned for some more exciting adventures of these crazy bunch of people.

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