Saturday, 23 July 2016

Ready, Set...almost Go.

Well the countdown is well and truly on: only one more sleep and 11 riders will take to the road braving the weather elements, road trains and their own inner demons. All bikes are tested, have two-way radio connected and uniforms for all. We all look fit for a great ride - but as we all know looks can be deceiving.
Some of the boys took to the road again to gain a bit more last minute fitness training or was that elbow training as the picture I saw indicated a nice lunch in Freemantle with an odd ale or two!
Anyway from all reports the UHF radios work well between members of the group, with much banter clogging up most of the airwaves.
Some personalities are starting to arise already with Tim (the person that created all this in his imagination) along with Simone (on a drunken binge after a previous bike ride helping his imagination) coming to the fore.
Simone is our logistic manager with a written itinerary that any army intelligeny would be proud of.
Tim, well Tim like any good manager has delegated many of the major jobs to his Mother! Maureen (Mum) has the unenviable job of the food storage and management of meals. The caravan looked more like a food transporter today until is was ditributed to various other vans and campers. I have never seen so many onions, bread or UHT milk in one place as  was today.
Now I had better sign off as the big day is nearly here for 'blast off' and as I have been assigned co-pilot in the support vehicle tomorrow along with Ray as the 'main man', will need to get some shut-eye. But before I go just a few bits of trivia:
* The boys in Freemantle saw the Russian hot air ballon man float overhead today, apparently quite a spectacular sight.
* Tim learnt today that if you take the blue film off the lens on your go-pro car camera, things look a whole lot better!
* Oh and yes, Ray you are going to learn how to say 'breaker, breaker, good buddy'.
Night, night.

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