Prior to this were were served up the wonderful stew/casserole with mashed spuds Maureen and Sally had whipped up , followed by banana cake for tea. Reminiscence of the day took place with one interesting tale from Ray about how the Police had been called out of Norsemen to investigate the "unsafe bike riders on the road": a complaint some Truckee had cause for concern. After a chat with Ray and and a few options on the best way to follow bikes being offered by the policeman all were on their way with no great problems encountered from here on in.
Once again it was an early start again this morning although not quite as early as the previous day. Everyone was on the road by 7:30am with Ray having to fill with fuel before leaving Norseman.
The riding today was everyone's dream - 40km westerly winds. Yes that's right a tail wind pretty much for the entire day. We did encounter a slight bit of rain, but the wind more than compensated for this little bit of inconvenience.
The ride was shortened today due to the fact of people trying to recover from the big day yesterday but with conditions like they were I'm sure come tomorrow when we have to make up an extra 30 kms with winds predicted to NOT be so favourable, maybe it won't have seemed like such a good idea. Nevertheless we have been bush camping again with Paul in his element with chainsaws and fire! A very relax set of people sat around talking, reading, taking massages, napping this afternoon getting ready to do it all again tomorrow.
While in Norseman David and Sally found an oven mit with the closest thing to a 'drop-bear' on it with a mouth and teeth, presenting it the Robert the Cowboy this afternoon. Welcome to Austraila mate! Robert even tasted his first witchety grub today, so he really is becoming an Aussie lad.
Another night at the movies with 'Kenny' being the program tonight. Once again for Robert's benefit with Paul having to explain a bit of the lingo in it. All good fun and no harm to anyone. Another early morning coming up, so farewell from Fraser Range WA?
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